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The Story of Rome by Mary Macgregor

Yesterday's Classics

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Reading Level:
Ages 10-14
Yesterday's Classics
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From the publisher:

A vivid account of the story of Rome from the earliest times to the death of Augustus, retold for children, chronicling the birth of a city and its growth through storm and struggle to become a great world empire. Gives short accounts of battles and campaigns, and of the men who expanded the borders of the Roman empire to include all lands bordering the Mediterranean Sea.

Table of Contents:

1. The Lady Roma
2. The She-Wolf
3. The Twin Boys
4. Numitor Recognises His Grandsons
5. The Sacred Birds
6. The Founding of Rome
7. The Sabine Maidens
8. The Tarpeian Rock
9. The Mysterious Gate
10. The King Disappears
11. The Peace-Loving King
12. Horatius Slays His Sister
13. The Pride of Tullus Hostilius
14. The King Who Fought and Prayed
15. The Faithless Friend
16. A Slave Becomes a King
17. The Cruel Deed of Tullia
18. The Fate of the Town of Gabii
19. The Books of the Sibyl
20. The Industry of Lucretia
21. The Death of Lucretia
22. The Sons of Brutus
23. Horatius Cocles, or the One-Eyed
24. Gaius Mucius Burns His Right Hand
25. The Divine Twins
26. The Tribunes
27. Coriolanus and His Mother Veturia
28. The Roman Army in a Trap
29. The Hated Decemvirs
30. The Death of Verginia
31. The Friend of the People
32. Camillus Captures the City of Veii
33. The Statue of the Goddess
34. The Schoolmaster Who Proved a Traitor
35. The Battle of Allia
36. The Sacred Geese
37. The City Is Rebuilt
38. Camillus Sets the Camp of the Volscians on Fire
39. The Battle on the Banks of the Anio
40. The Curtian Lake
41. The Dream of the Two Consuls
42. The Caudine Forks
43. The Disgrace of the Caudine Forks Avenged
44. Fabius among the Ciminian Hills
45. The Battle of Sentinum
46. The Son of Fabius Loses a Battle
47. Pyrrhus, King of the Epirots
48. The Elephants at the Battle of Heraclea
49. Pyrrthus Tries To Frighten Fabricius
50. Pyrrhus Is Defeated
51. The Romans Build a Fleet
52. The Battle of Ecnomus
53. The Roman Legions in Africa
54. Regulus Is Taken Prisoner
55. The Romans Conquer the Gauls
56. The Boy Hannibal
57. Hannibal Prepares To Invade Italy
58. Hannibal Crosses the Alps
59. The Battle of Trebia
60. The Battle of Lake Trasimenus
61. Hannibal Outwits Fabius
62. Fabius Wins Two Victories
63. The Battle of Cannae
64. The Despair of Rome
65. The Defeat of Hasdrubal
66. Livius and Claudius Enjoy a Triumph
67. The Capture of New Carthage
68. Scipio Sails to Africa
69. The Romans Set Fire to the Camp of the Numidians
70. Hannibal Leaves Italy
71. The Battle of Zama
72. Scipio Receives a Triumph
73. Flamininus Is Covered with Garlands
74. The Death of Hannibal
75. The Hatred of Cato for Carthage
76. The Stern Decree
77. The Carthaginians Defend Their City
78. The Destruction of Carthage
79. Cornelia, the Mother of the Gracchi
80. Tiberius and His Friend Octavius
81. The Death of Tiberius Gracchus
82. The Death of Gaius Gracchus
83. The Gold of Jugurtha
84. Gaius Marius Wins the Notice of Scipio Africanus
85. Gaius Marius Becomes Commander of the Army
86. The Capture of Jugurtha's Treasure Towns
87. The Capture of Jugurtha
88. Jugurtha Is Brought to Rome in Chains
89. Marius Conquers the Teutones
90. Marius Mocks the Ambassadors of the Cimbri
91. Metellus Is Driven from Rome
92. Sulla Enters Rome with His Troops
93. The Flight of Marius
94. The Gaul Dares Not Kill Gaius Marius
95. Marius Returns to Rome
96. The Orator Aristion
97. Sulla Besieges Athens
98. Sulla Saves Rome from the Samnites
99. The Proscriptions of Sulla
100. The Gladiators' Revolt
101. The Pirates
102. Pompey Goes to War with Mithridates
103. Cicero Discovers the Catilinarian Conspiracy
104. The Death of the Conspirators
105. Julius Caesar Is Captured by Pirates
106. Caesar Gives Up His Triumph
107. Caesar Praises His Tenth Legion
108. Caesar Wins a Great Victory over the Nervii
109. Caesar Invades Britain
110. Caesar Crosses the Rubicon
111. Caesar and the Pilot
112. The Flight of Pompey
113. Cato Dies Rather Than Yield to Caesar
114. Caesar Is Loaded with Honours
115. The Nobles Plot against Caesar
116. The Assassination of Caesar
117. Brutus Speaks to the Citizens
118. Mark Antony Speaks to the Citizens
119. The Second Triumvirate
120. The Battle of Philippi
121. The Death of Brutus
122. Antony and Cleopatra
123. The Battle of Actium
124. Antony and Cleopatra Die
125. The Emperor Augustus


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