Plumfield Children's Library

Plumfield Children's Library, a subset of Plumfield Children's Bookstore, is a private lending library located in Youngsville, North Carolina.
Our library carries the same type of wholesome children's literature that can be found in our online bookstore.
While they are certainly engaging, the books in our collection are more than mere entertainment; they nourish a child's mind and heart.
Each one is worth the time it takes to read.
We currently offer 2,200+ materials available for checkout, including:
• Books for ages 0-Teen
• DVDs
• Audiobooks
• Homeschool and Parenting resources
See our Library Catalog for a complete list of available titles:
Library Cards

Plumfield Children's Library cards are available for $25/year and include full access to the Plumfield Children's Library catalog.
A free Plumfield tote bag is also included for new members.
We do not restrict card availability based on a patron's town of residence;
if you are able to drive to Youngsville, NC to pick up and return your books, you are welcome to join us!
(If you are too far away to visit Plumfield, find a private library near you.)
Currently, Plumfield Children's Library is open only for porch pickup; cardholders can place holds using our online catalog.
Pickup hours are Thursdays, 10am-12pm (closed on major holidays), or by appointment.
Checked out items can be returned during those hours as well.
Cardholders must agree to the Library Policies (below) in order to check out books and other items from Plumfield Children's Library.
Library Policies

Plumfield Children's Library is a private library and does not operate as part of any public library system;
Plumfield items must be picked up and returned only at Plumfield, and only during open hours.
Books can be checked out for up to 3 weeks at a time, with 1 renewal.
Plumfield Children's Library does not charge late fees.
Patrons may check out up to 50 items at one time.
Patrons are responsible to replace lost or damaged items (hardcover for hardcover, paperback for paperback),
or to pay the MSRP of the lost/damaged item within 14 days of the item's due date.
Accounts with a lost or damaged item past that time frame will be temporarily suspended until the item has been replaced or paid for.
Patrons with suspended accounts are unable to check out additional items.
Replacement copies and fees are nonrefundable.
Lost library cards can be replaced for a $5 fee.

Our goals are to grow the Plumfield Children's Library collection to 20,000 wholesome books and educational materials for children,
and to offer a warm and welcoming space for in-person browsing and checkout.
We gladly accept donations of new or gently used children's books.
Donations can be dropped off during our open hours: Thursdays 10am - 12pm (closed on major holidays), or by appointment.
Once or twice a year we hold a Book Drive, during which time we accept donations in exchange for a free Plumfield Children's Library card.
Donate to help build Plumfield Children's Library
Plumfield Children's Library Amazon Wishlist
Thank you for your support!